Aging - Cheese
The system is suitable to dry product at a wide range of roomtemperatures.
It is composed of an air treatment unit consisting of:
- Refrigeration section supplied by direct expansion of gas or refrigerant
- Heating section supplied by boiler water, recovery water from condensing circuits or with hot gas
- Ventilating section
Special care is given to the realization of uniform thermo-hygrometric conditions of the air by means of ejector cones, airdiffusers and leftl right air damper to ensure optimal calibration of drying times.
The air renewal section can be equipped with “enthalpy renewal” which allows o significant reduction of energy costs when the external thermo-hygrometric conditions are favourable.
A programmable microprocessor controller manages the various components of the system to achieve ideal drying cycles by drawing moisture from the centre of the product in the shortest possible time.